Submit Artwork
Please read the guidelines below before submitting artwork.
Feel free to call and speak with our team if you have any questions.
Preferred file types:



The following files types will be accepted but may incur additional design charges to your order:




Please make sure file resolution is 300 dpi in order to get the highest image quality.
To insure the font chosen for your artwork does not get replaced, please convert all fonts to outlines or include the font files.
When sending large files, please compress files into a ZIP or StuffIt file.
Always use vector artwork when possible. Pixel art will need to be modified before production.
Why Vector?
Vector based art is perfect for screen printed discs. Logos and shapes are clearly defined, text is easy to read and colors appear crisp and vibrant.
Only have Pixel artwork?
Our design team can convert your pixel-based bitmap artwork to vector artwork for a small one-time fee. Once converted, your artwork may need to be slightly adjusted in order to fit within screen printing specifications.